Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Your Only Mother

Message of Our Lady Queen to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on July 12, 2023


My beloved children, if I, your Blessed Mother have been assumed into heaven, you too, with your prayers to Your Father, will one day ascend into heaven.

I am without original sin and therefore I deserved to reach heaven immediately, but you too, if you deserve it, will reach, Me, Jesus and the Lord your God, in heaven where it will be infinite joy.

I am sorry that so many of you, no longer think that one day you will have to leave the earth to reach eternal life.

My children, who believe in eternal life, help Me convince My children who are furthest from God that one day, not far away, they will have to account for all their sins committed on earth.

I am helping to convince so many of you, that true life is not what you are living on earth, but will be, tomorrow and forever, eternal joy in God or suffering in the depths of hell, where it will be eternal fire and pain.

My children, I love you so much and I am close to you in all your actions, continue to set a good example to all your brothers and sisters but especially to those who do not believe in God and eternal life.

Thank you My children, I love you and always pray for you, My Divine Son. I bless you, protect you and defend you from what comes from the evil one.

Your Only Mother.

Source: ➥